In those days long ago remembered...
A trembling, a questioning, a nervousness not felt for aeons
Began passing like whispers in the night at first
And, seeping through the fabric of fractal time
It began reaching the ears of those who would hear
Jolting those with eyes that would see
Dissolving ever deeper into the denseness of matter
Like treacle being squeezed through muslin the information came not in waves but drip, drip, drip into human consciousness as one by one the great awakening began to stir
In this denseness of matter it crept along at a snails pace
The few awakeners being laughed at or ridiculed or placed on the fringes of society
And for a while things seemed to move ever slower
As the oppressors of humanity started to tighten their grip.
But slowly and surely their never-ending supply of fear frequency was fading
A tipping point was being reached and their work in the shadows could no longer stay in the shadows
So they unleashed their end game, designed to entrap humanity in a replicated sub-human artificial society
But in the great unleashing of turmoil, the things that had once been hidden became to be known, not slowly, but in great leaps
Like seeing the vista from a mountain-top, humans were waking up in droves,
Their hearts bursting open as the great reclaiming of consciousness finally took hold
The slaughing off of distortions, fear and shadow began to be felt
As humans died to what they thought they were, they woke up from the dream of lies
And the whispers from the shamans of old were honoured
The frequencies of reality were again revered
And just as whispers become chatter, and chatter becomes a cacophony of sound,
So the sound of awakening began to spread across the planet
The rebirth of awareness, of being a Co-creator with the Universe,
The frequency of Divine Love made manifest in physical form
Awakening to choice, awakening to conscious manifestation,
Embodying the frequency of love, reforming and reclaiming humanity's origins
The awakening gathered pace until it burst through the fabric of space time itself
And humanity re-claimed its rightful place in partnership with All That Is
And those that had one gripped humanity in fear were plain to all
So, in those days long ago remembered...
Humanity's greatest story is told.